The Children’s ministry of Cullendale First Baptist Church exists to support the mission of the church; to make and mature followers of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to meet children where they are and work with families to help the children build a biblical foundation and knowledge of scripture so that they can respond in faith to build a personal relationship with Jesus and help them discover and develop their gifts so that they desire a life of serving God.

Join us for Bible Drill and Kids Choir!
Join us for Bible Drill and Kids Choir!

Sunday School @ 9 AM
CFBC Kids @ 5:30 PM
Wednesdays (during school)
Kids Meal @ 5:30 PM
Bible Foundations (age 3-kindergarten) @ 6:30 PM
Bible Skills (Grades 1-3) @ 6:30 PM
Bible Drill (Grades 4-6) @ 6:30 PM