We at Cullendale FBC are a community of believers who worship God, disciple and serve together. Cullendale FBC is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the Arkansas Baptist State Convention (ABSC), and the Liberty Baptist Association (LBA).

What should I expect?
When looking into a church, most people are looking for answers to the following questions:
How long are our services? Around 1 hour 15 minutes
What style of worship music do we have? Blended (contemporary and traditional)
Does our church have an active Kids and Students Ministry? Yes.
However, we begin with who we are. We seek to be a people defined by the Gospel.
We have been changed by a God who loved us in our sins but didn’t leave us there. He rescued us from death, breathed life into our souls, and led us down the road of sanctification as we set our identity in knowing Jesus and making Him known as the all-surpassing pursuit of our lives.
We invite you to come and worship, disciple, and serve with us as we live out who we are in Christ!