Worship - Disciple - Serve
Our aim is for every individual who calls Cullendale First Baptist Church home to experience the fullness of living in God’s will through the fundamental actions of worship, discipleship, and service. A wide variety of ministry outlets serves to provide opportunities to live these out through every age and stage of life.

CFBC offers a blended style of worship: The Blended Worship service meets at 10:15 a.m. and is a mix of contemporary worship songs and hymns and is designed to serve those attending Sunday school at 9 a.m. along with the community.
True spiritual growth is our highest priority at CFBC. While worship is key (and often serves as a catalyst), spiritual growth is best achieved in the context of smaller, interactive groups of people gathered in fellowship to study scripture. To prepare God’s people for growth, we offer Sunday Morning Bible Study Classes, Adult Bible Fellowships (specialized short-term studies usually based on a specific topic or book), and several youth and children activities and services. We welcome you to explore what we have to offer and see where would be a good fit for you!
Service has a broad scope and includes everything from large teams participating in foreign mission projects and national, state, and local mission projects throughout our community, to individuals displaying integrity and taking advantage of “teachable moments” such as Little League coaches or taking time off work to help someone move. We also serve each other on a regular basis by sacrificing our time and energy to volunteer at various events for the church; or even doing something as simple as changing light bulbs for one of our widows or widowers. You’ll find plenty of opportunities to do something for someone here!